Thursday 14 February 2013

Video Surveillance for Security in Hawaii

​One of the scariest things that any homeowner faces is an intruder inside their house. Imagine coming home from work at the end of the day to find that somebody had broken in and stolen a bunch of your valuable possessions. How would you feel? This is exactly what happened to Jeanne Thomas recently, but luckily her story has a happy ending.

The Device

Before the burglary, Thomas had installed a video surveillance system with her home security. While her husband thought that it was an unnecessary purchase, she knew how valuable it was to protect the home they had worked so hard to build. She explained that their home was under constant video surveillance, which allowed her to check on things at any time.

Caught In the Act

One day at work, Thomas got an uneasy feeling. She had an unexplained urge to go online and check on things at the house. She entered her information and checked her video feed, which showed her the living room inside of her home. To her horror, there were 2 men standing in the middle of the room!

Having come across a robbery in progress, she instantly phoned police from work. They showed up at the home before the man and his accomplice had a chance to leave. Both men were arrested and prosecuted, all thanks to the security system’s surveillance camera.

The Husband

After this incident had occurred, Thomas's husband changed his opinion on the matter and said that buying a video surveillance system was one of the smartest things that she ever did. They are now divorced.

Protecting Your Family

One of the greatest worries for any parent while they are working is that their children won't be safe. While this didn't occur in this particular incident, there have been many times when burglars have gone into a home despite there being children, because how are the children going to stop them? This puts kids in danger.

Security devices, like video surveillance in your Hawaii home, are a great way to put your mind at ease. While at work, you can check on the house at any time, which will make you feel more comfortable letting your children stay home alone after school. Even if you get a gut feeling that proves to be false, at least you can have the opportunity to calm yourself down by doing a quick check so that you can go back to focusing on work.

Home Security in Hawaii

No matter what island you’re on, home security systems with surveillance cameras in Hawaii have proven to be effective at stopping burglaries and helping families feel safe in their homes. In all honesty, most home security systems are much less expensive than people tend to think, and are well worth the price of protection. Video surveillance in Hawaii can be invaluable in your home as well. Be like Leanne Thomas and catch the criminal in the act so that you don't end up losing valuable items, or your sense of security.

Lifeline Fire & Security has the most advanced home security systems that Hawaii residents are looking for. For more information about their video surveillance systems, visit video surveillance Hawaii.

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